Week 8 and 9 had more highs than lows. Working out consistently during SoC 1 has allowed me to finally notice some physical changes in my body which has pushed me to increase the intensity of my lifting workouts. I’ve even added in an extra lifting day to my week and I’ve finally embraced something I’ve tried to avoid for years in my quest for my ideal body…I started bulking. My plan is to go more in depth on this topic in the future, but for now will say that it is making a difference in lifts.
I dropped the tracking of “squeeze hand grips” because it didn’t seem to be making much of a difference after a few weeks and as part of my lessons learned for SoC (post coming), any task, even the most minor ones, that I can remove from tracking and my mental load is a plus.
Although I felt like a superstar for adding in extra workouts, I skipped the weekly posting on my blog which is something I hadn’t done since I started. My social life got busier and even though no one is reading the blog and it wasn’t missed, it still felt like a failure to not post. I will go in and add blog postings to the missing weeks when SoC 1 is complete.
Speaking of SoC 1 ending, I’ve realized that without some major read-a-thons, I won’t complete The Constitution Reader and The Federalist Papers on time (they’re big books). I’ve been reading more in my spare time but it still won’t be enough. Therefore I will be using some of my break between SoC 1 and SoC 2 to complete the readings and my essay. I am very much looking forward to not tracking anything during that time, but I will still complete my Study essay, give twenty minutes to God, and continue the workouts. Everything else I’m free to take or leave until the beginning of January when I kickoff SoC Season 2.