Week 7 was a mixed bag. Workouts complete? Check. Almost anything else complete? No so much. I did my language studies, some stretching, very little reading, no crocheting and zero studying throughout week 7. However, I managed to make up all the crocheting and studying by the end of week 8 so at least I got the blue box. I don’t have a legit excuse such as I was traveling or something important came up. It’s just the weekends got busy, and I got lazy. Thankfully, I found my groove again around Tuesday of week 8 and managed to recover a lot of the missed tasks.
I had been dragging butt on crocheting because I really wanted to start a new project with the goal of it being something useable and correctly completed since the little projects I had worked on to learn the basics kept coming out wonky. During week 8 I finally read some crochet posts and found answers to my main issue, along with simple steps to create a scarf. Once I got the scarf underway, I’ve actually began to enjoy crocheting as it feels like I’m finally creating something pretty and functional.
One alteration that I’m hoping will help me finally push through my weightlifting stalls and allow me to progressive overload with my training, is I’ve gotten serious about consuming protein. I’ve always had an issue with my protein intake as my most common foods are not protein heavy, but I’ve made some conscious choices and added in additional foods that are higher in protein since that may be the one thing that is holding back my progress. I’m picking up heavy weight and putting it back down, but very rarely do my lifts allow me to add more weight. I’m really excited to see if a daily protein intake of ~100 grams a day will finally be the key.