I messed up. Week 3 of SoC did not go well…it didn’t go at all. Work was super busy with a new process rollout and I fell so far behind on my tasks that by Wednesday I had made the choice to skip week 3 and add it to the end of SoC Season 1. My new SoC Season 1 completion date will now be November 25th, which unfortunately, takes me into Thanksgiving but I’ll make it work.
I tried to give myself some grace with the missed week (rather the delayed week) and worked extra hard on week 4 to get back on track. My goal was to have all green and blue on week 4, and I got close, but it didn’t come to pass. My biggest red areas are diet-related. That’s where I need to concentrate on improving because I’m still struggling with eating enough protein and WFPB. I always make sure to have some fruits and veggies every day, but I need to lessen my sugar intake. Stretching is also another area where I’m not going as hard as I planned because the back of my left leg still has some pain so I’m letting it rest. I do continue to stretch overall and am still working on my right-side split.
Some good news is my energy level has been more balanced, and has overall increased, that I easily completed the week 4 Physical tasks and actually added in extra cardio because I wanted to. That was a huge surprise. My theory on the change is because I’ve eliminated diet soda which has decreased (not erased) my caffeine intake. After my body adjusted to the missing caffeine, I felt fantastic. This is a goal I’ve had for years and is the longest I’ve gone without diet soda (it’ll be 3 weeks tomorrow). I no longer have a desire for it so that “challenge” feels nearly complete.
I wish I could say the same about full calorie soda. Giving up sugary soda is such an obvious goal to improve my health and drop stubborn fat, but it is so hard for me. I hate to admit it, but it does have a little hold on me. I love Dr. Pepper. It makes me happy. A cold Dr Pepper over some ice straight from the fountain is one of my favorite things. I may never give it up (unless I lose the taste for it like I did with diet soda) but I should view it as a rare treat instead of something I allow myself 3+ times a week. I used to drink two 12oz cans a day back in my 20s so I have decreased, but even after a 20-year goal of giving it I haven’t yet. Time (and willpower) will tell if I can finally shrug off soda completely.